Neglect: to pay little or no attention to
Sure I've neglected COI but this gig pays so well ya know...
- Pray to Great Oden's Raven that the Devils and Marty Brodeur take care of business against Chicago tonight. Get that damn record out of the way and go out and celebrate tonight! Get plastered drunk, all of you! You deserve it! Hockey game in Raleigh the next day? What hockey game in Raleigh?
-After what seems like 5 straight weeks of rain in the Raleigh area - the sun attempted to come out today. It apparently is supposed to be a beautiful Spring-like day tomorrow so if you can get out and tailgate - DO IT and enjoy!
-plz2be checking out the new digs for Barry Melrose Rocks over at Bloguin. So orange, yet so refreshing.
If anyone of you know who is responsible for this gem:Please fess up or shoot me an email at Brilliant stuff.
The Daily Target
6 years ago